Spare Keys for Standard Cabinet/Wall Housing

Spare keys for Network and Server Cabinets, Wall Housings (T3/1333), 2 Pieces
Varenummer: 102115
EAN Nr.: 4049759070045

Produktinformationen für Spare keys for Network and Server Cabinets, Wall Housings (T3/1333), 2 Pieces

2 spare keys for Locking T3 / 1333
Suitable for: Standing cabinets PRO, Classic, ISR, Office
Wall housings 1-part/2-part, Flat Pack, 5U vertical
Suitable for profile half-cylinder Art.-No. 46087.1
Not for standing cabinets IP55 and wall housing IP55, 3+5U vertical and Basic

Technische Eigenschaften

Cabinet Series: Classic


Wall Housings 1/2-part

Wall Housings 10"

Wall Housings Flat Pack
Locking: T3 / 1333
Model: Cylinder